The link below contains an overview map of the project.Ģ023 Roadway Maintenance Overview TDS Telecom Fiber Optic System Driving or walking on the sealant before it is cooled can cause burns to pet's feet and can stick to vehicles.
#Tds open roads drivers
However, drivers and pedestrians should use caution when traveling near the crack sealing operations. During the crack sealing the roadways will remain open. The contractor will place signs 48 hours in advance of their work on any particular roadway. The project is anticipated to start in mid-May. The Common Council approved the 2023 Roadway Maintenance Joint, Crack Cleaning and Sealing Project on March 28th for approximately 30 miles of roadway crack sealing throughout the City. During construction roadways will be closed to thru traffic, but access will be maintained for local traffic.Ģ023 LRIP Roadway Rehabilitation Tentative Schedule 2023 Roadway Maintenance The map in the link below contains an overview of the project and tentative scheduling for each phase of the work. Rehabilitation consists of: storm water inlet adjustment and reconstruction, curb and gutter repairs, and pavement rehabilitation by milling and asphalt overlay or pulverizing and asphalt overlay. The entire project will be starting in mid-May and is anticipated to be completed by late-August. The Common Council approved the 2023 LRIP Roadway Rehabilitation Contract on April 11th for approximately 7.2 miles of roadway resurfacing throughout the City. Small Road Closure 2023 Roadway Rehabilitation If you would like to sign up for the updates, please email Genevieve Stollenwerk at The project is expected to be completed by mid-August 2023. will send out periodic email updates on the project. The City’s construction oversight engineer, raSmith, Inc. The contractor plans to start their work on the west end of the project near College Avenue and work towards the east. The detour route for Small Road will utilize College Avenue and Moorland Road, and the detour route for southbound Calhoun Road will utilize Beloit Road and Martin Road.

The roadway will remain open to local traffic and emergency services. Small Road from College Avenue to Moorland Road will be closed to thru traffic starting on Wednesday, April 19 th for the City’s Small Road Reconstruction Project. Lincoln Avenue Closure Small Road Reconstruction If you would like to sign up for the updates, please email Ken Ward at The project is expected to be completed by the end of September, 2023. The City’s construction oversight engineer, Ruekert & Mielke, Inc., will send out periodic email updates on the project. For driveway accesses on Lincoln Avenue, drivers will enter and exit to the west until the contractor works past their property, and once past the driveway drivers will enter and exit to the east. Generally, the contractor will work within 500 foot sections. The contractor plans to start their work on the east end of the project near Calhoun Road, and work towards the west. Lincoln Avenue from Calhoun Road to Johnson Road will be closed to thru traffic starting on Thursday, April 13 th. The information is used by the DOT to determine the city’s portion of state transportation aid and helps the City create the Five Year Rehabilitation Plan, and plan annual maintenance projects. The PASER rating the City uses rates each roadway segment on a scale from 1 to 10 (one being the worst and 10 being the best) by taking into consideration the surface distress, structure, roughness, and drainage. Every two years, the City of New Berlin is required to submit Pavement and Surface Evaluation Ratings (PASER) to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) that represent the physical condition of our roadways per state statute 86.302(2).