
Heavy cream kroger
Heavy cream kroger

heavy cream kroger

Low effort posts are: title-only posts, posts with under 200 characters including those that contain only links to articles or images/memes, and posts asking questions that are explicitly answered in the FAQ. Please see the Community Guidelines for a more detailed explanation of what types of comments are in violation of this rule.ģ.a: Zero tolerance will be afforded to posts containing racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other identity-based slurs (i.e., insulting a person's ability/disability, looks, etc.).Ĥ: No low effort posts. These sorts of posts may result in a permanent ban with no prior warning. Personal attacks, threats, inappropriate/sexual comments, threadcrapping, intellectual dishonesty, posting misinformation, excessively aggressive posting, and sexualizing/insulting/minimizing posts on progress pictures will not be allowed. Off topic discussions will only be allowed in the Daily Community Support thread and will otherwise be removed and locked.Ģ.a: Why no cheat posts? In addition to being off-topic, cheat posts are specifically against the rules of this subreddit because they are negative, defeatist, and can serve as a trigger to those who are struggling.ģ: Be respectful and accurate.


Off topic posts include: cheat posts, posts about other diets/others that are not eating keto, "farewell" posts, posts asking how to stop keto and resume a "normal" diet, etc. A post is subject to IMMEDIATE deletion and locking if it is clear the poster has not read the FAQ before posting.Ģ: Stay on topic.

heavy cream kroger heavy cream kroger

Mega Video Collection - K4L's video compilation.1: Read the FAQ before posting.AreYouReadyToReddit's 1-Week Meal Plan - A Guide to plan your meals up to a week in advance.Keto Calculator - Quickly calculate your Macros.How to Start - Checklist for starting Keto. Do not solicit or offer medical advice on this subreddit. Reddit is not a replacement for your doctor. If you are posting progress pictures with a watermark we ask that the watermark contain your Reddit username only.Ħ: Do not ask r/keto for medical advice. This includes posts linking to or containing: personal blogs/channels/websites/social media pages, affiliate/referral links, or surveys for market research or educational purposes. Save your memes for r/ketocirclejerkĥ: No self-promotion.

Heavy cream kroger