Set the IP address of your computer as with netmask, no gateway, no DNS.Connect any of the LAN ports of the device directly to the Ethernet port of your computer.just after performing a factory reset on the device. IMPORTANT: Execute these steps on a brand new device running stock firmware.See "Downgrading Firmware" instructions below. IMPORTANT: If a device running stock 1.1.x firmware rejects the installer image, the recommended work-around is to downgrade the device to version 1.0.x, and then re-attempt uploading the installer image.If you are not interested in building yourself, the pre-built files are available here. All prerequisites of the OpenWrt ImageBuilder.You'll need the below to use the script to generate the installer image: The process involves re-packaging the initramfs image to contain everything necessary for a permanent installation of a replacement Das U-Boot bootloader, ARM TrustedFirmware-A and an OpenWrt recovery (initramfs) image within the NAND flash, plus the installer script itself. This script downloads the OpenWrt ImageBuilder to generate a firmware upgrade image compatible with the stock firmware which will automatically carry out the installation. Upgrading to the latest OpenWrt snapshot.Executing the installer more than once should be avoided! Use normal *-linksys_b images provided by insted. WARNING #3 The installer is meant to be executed only once per device.
When going back to the stock firmware, be prepared to connect to the internal serial port in case there are any bad blocks. If you plan to ever go back to the stock firmware, you will need a backup of the vendor bootchain and firmware.

WARNING #2 Re-flashing the installer when the device is already using UBI flash layout will erase the previously backed up bootchain, which in most cases would be the vendor/official one.

The installer stores a copy of the previous bootchain in a dedicated UBI volume boot_backup. WARNING #1 This will replace the bootloader (TF-A 2.4, U-Boot 2022.01) and convert the flash layout of the device to UBI. The interaction required is shown on the left, which is done entirely within the web browser. The window on the right displays the serial RX interface for documentation purpose only.
An OpenWrt UBI Installer Image Generator for Linksys E8450 and Belkin RT3200 .mp4