So, we need to move database provider configuration there. In ASP.NET Core, things like dependency injection, services that are going to be used, generally configured in Startup.cs class. We’ll also rename our context to OrderContext.cs and Orders.cs to Order.cs since it’s more logical that way. Now we need to add a Data folder and put our context there to conform with the separation of concerns pattern. The context represents a session with the database and allows you to query and save instances of the entity classes. The entity classes are simple C# objects that represent the data you will be querying and saving. The reverse engineering process created entity class Orders.cs, and a derived context orders_databaseContext.cs based on the schema of the existing database. Scaffold -DbContext "Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS Database=orders_database Trusted_Connection=True " Microsoft. Tools –> NuGet Package Manager –> Package Manager Console.To do that you need to replace server connection string with your own and run this command from NuGet console in Visual Studio: Now it’s time to create the EF model based on existing database. File –> New project –> ASP.NET Core Web Application.

We’ll kick things off by creating a new Web API project. Open SQL Management Studio, then right click Databases -> Restore database. The database can be found here on Github. In order to follow along this blog post you’ll need to import Orders database into your SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Express with management tools.
#Asp net core scaffold dbcontext free#
#Asp net core scaffold dbcontext software#
If you write software for a living or just for fun, you’ve probably worked with databases before. Today, I thought I would continue this little Microsoft streak and dive into another Microsoft products – ASP.NET Core 2.0 and EF Core. Oh hey there! In my last blog post I looked at Microsoft Cognitive Services.