A complete brake job is $1200 - $1500 dollars.$200 if you do it yourself. Forget about buying parts from the view mirror is over $500.
The other thing is, even if you know how to work on cars, be prepared for VERY expensive parts, even used ones. 1 inch, and unless I sit straight up in the seat, my knees rub the bottom of the lower dash panel.

Even with the seat all the way back, I am 6 ft. NOT a good car for people over 6 feet tall. Lastly, while I maintain the car, I also drive the holy xxxx out of it! It’s only going to start leaking oil if you don’t get it changed often enough, or if you drive it like an old lady who is not from Pasadena…īought this car 4 weeks ago, and have spent over $1400 on parts.almost all of them used parts on eBay, to repair some relatively small problems. YouTube has a video on how to do that w/o removing the supercharger. Main thing is to replace supercharger oil if it starts to whine louder. My experience after driving the car for ten years is that parts are affordable on eBay…used lower mileage engine: <$1000. Only mechanical problem I have ever had are worn cam sensors, which is common and costs about…$400 to repair. Mine has 200,000 miles and have never had ANY big expense…most I ever had to put into it is about $400…which is what it cost to replace factory front brakes, or to service the auto trans with fluid and filter. If you don’t have a service record and are not good at detecting problems on a test drive then do yourself a favor and spend the +/- $300 to get it inspected at a competent Benz garage. The C230 Kompressor (2.4 liter) engine is SUPER dependable…IF the car has been maintained.